Society of American Florists 1999 Gold Medal
In the fall of 1999, Holtkamp Greenhouses received
of American
Florists' prestigious Gold Medal.
The medal was awarded to Holtkamp Greenhouses
for their Optimara and Rhapsodie Violets. Each year, the Society of American
Florists (SAF) awards the medal for "Outstanding Contributions to the
Floral Industry." As such, the award reflects the recognition which
the industry has long held for Optimara and Holtkamp Greenhouses as names
which represent innovation and quality in the U.S. and around the world.
Other Awards and Honors
Over the years, Optimara Violets and Holtkamp Greenhouses have won literally
hundreds of awards in the U.S. and internationally. Below is a list of some
of the most recent awards and honors.
- Top 100 Grower 2004 (#43 by Greenhouses Grower)
- SAF Gold Medal Award 1999 (Outstanding Contributions to the Floral Industry)
- Best New Product 1997 (Tropical Plant Industry)
- First Place 1994 (WF&FSA)
- First Place 1992 (AmeriFlora)
- First Place 1988 (Florida Foliage Association)
- Gold Medal (4 times - International Horticultural Competition)

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Copyright 1999-2002 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee. Doctor Optimara, the Doctor Optimara logo and Optimara
Field Guide are trademarks of Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Optimara, the Optimara
logo, EverFloris, MiniWell, MaxiWell, WaterShip and Watermaid are trademarks
of International Plant Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.