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Self Watering Miniatures            
The Beautiful and Space-Saving Optimara Watership           


Watermaid, self watering pot for african violetsWith the new Optimara WaterShip container, growing Optimara Miniature Violets is as easy as it is fun. The WaterShip container (shown at right) uses capillary action to give Optimara Miniatures just the right amount of water. When used with a fully-dissolving fertilizer, such as Optimara Violet Food 14-12-14, the WaterShip can even fertilize your Miniature Violet. And because it is spill-proof, the Optimara WaterShip allows you to put your flowering Optimara Miniatures in places where other plants could never go.

Use Optimara Self-Watering Miniatures to add life to your home or office. The full-blooming characteristics of Optimara Miniatures, along with the WaterShip's elegantly stream-lined design, make Optimara Self-Watering Miniatures ideal as gifts, flowering party favors or colorful accents at dinner settings.

Look for Optimara Self-Watering Miniatures, in the new WaterShip container, at your local garden center or Optimara retailer. Self-Watering Miniatures can also be ordered from the Selective Gardener, an online and mail-order source that specializes in African Violets and African Violet plant care products.

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Copyright 1999-2002 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Doctor Optimara, the Doctor Optimara logo and Optimara Field Guide are trademarks of Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Optimara, the Optimara logo, EverFloris, MiniWell, MaxiWell, WaterShip and Watermaid are trademarks of International Plant Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.