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EverFloris: The New Evolution of Space Violets   
EverFloris is a Series of exclusive varieties developed from the Optimara "Space Violet" program!
EverFloris African Violets are completely unique! Easier to grow, with larger, fuller blooms that flower continuously.

EverFloris Photos
NASA Shuttle Mission
Get an EverFloris 'Space Violet' today!
 OPTIMARA EverFloris™   NASA Long Duration Exposure Facility (Seeds in Space Experiment Photos)
LDEF experiment to expose seeds to space radiation
NASA's Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF)
was designed to provide long-term data on the space environment and its effects on space systems and operations. It successfully carried science and technology experiments that have revealed a broad and detailed collection of space environmental data.

LDEF had a nearly cylindrical structure, and its 57 experiments were mounted in 86 trays about its periphery and on the two ends. The spacecraft measured 30 feet by 14 feet and weighed ~21,500 pounds with mounted experiments, and remains one of the largest Shuttle-deployed payloads. The experiments involved the participation of more than 200 principal investigators from 33 private companies, 21 universities, seven NASA centers, nine Department of Defense laboratories and eight foreign countries.

Launching the LDEF
Space Shuttle & LDEF in orbit.
LDEF experiment to expose seeds to space radiation
Space Seeds Experiment Tray, pre-launch.
Experiment Panel - Pre-Launch
Space Seeds Experiment Tray, with Thermal cover.
"The Seeds in Space Experiment (P0004-01) was one of three passive experiments located in a 6 inch deep LDEF peripheral tray.
The experiment consisted of 2 million seeds of 120 different varieties, one sealed canister,
two smaller vented canisters, and a silvered Teflon thermal cover."
Space Seeds Experiment Panel, in orbit!
Space Seeds Experiment Tray, in orbit.
LDEF experiment to expose seeds to space radiation
Space Seeds Experiment Tray, after retrieval.
  NASA photo comment: "The paint dots, originally white, located on experiment tray clamp blocks now appear brown. The experiment tray flanges also appear to be discolored."
LDEF over Africa
Arrow points to the location of the "Space Seeds" experiment panel.
After return, the satellite is removed from the Shuttle
LDEF Satellite being removed from the Space Shuttle payload bay after retrieval.
*Note the size of the satellite compared to the people below!

LDEF in orbit.
Space Seeds
One of the seed packets sent into space.
All Photo Credits: NASA/KSC
Complete mission details and images are online at
NASA's LDEF Archive

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NASA Space Seeds Program
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To order any of the products discussed on this page, visit the Selective Gardener
Optimara Online Sales  
• EverFloris Series 6 Inch Flowering Violets
• Complete EverFloris Series Rooted Young Plants
• Complete EverFloris Series Unrooted Leaf Sets
Optimara NeverFloris: The Unique Almost-Blooming Violet (*not a space violet)

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Copyright 1999-2002 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Doctor Optimara, the Doctor Optimara logo and Optimara Field Guide are trademarks of Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Optimara, the Optimara logo, EverFloris, MiniWell, MaxiWell, WaterShip and Watermaid are trademarks of International Plant Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.