Optimara Violets By Number
Below is the complete list of Optimara Violets sorted by number. All
entries include a photo and detailed description of the variety.
To use this list, either scroll through the entries or choose a number
from the menu below.
- 001
- Agnes
- 001 - Ritali (Europe)
- 002 - Manitoba
- 003 - Pamela
- 003 - Dany (Europe)
- 004 - Carmen
- 004 - Lyra (Europe)
- 005 - California
- 005 - Ada (Europe)
- 006 - Vermont
- 006 - Kristel (Europe)
- 007 - Washington
- 008 - Shenandoah
- 009 - New Brunswick
- 010 - Utah
- 010 - Alice (Europe)
- 011 - Crater Lake
- 012 - Texas
- 012 - Carola (Europe)
- 013 - Miho
- 014 - Rebecca
- 014 - Futaba (Europe)
- 015 - Iowa
- 015 - Fusako (Europe)
- 016 - Wisconsin
- 016 - Vroni (Europe)
- 017 - Evelyn
- 018 - Kentucky
- 019 - Wyoming
- 019 - Maria (Europe)
- 020 - Margit
- 020 - Ingrid (Europe)
- 023 - Kentucky
- 023 - Flori (Europe)
- 024 - Everglades
- 025 - Sophia
- 026 - Cornelia
- 026 - Richarda (Europe)
- 027 - Barbara
- 029 - Rumiko
- 030 - Tamiko (Europe)
- 031 - Emilie
- 031 - Sayo (Europe)
- 032 - Dominica
- 032 - Sirius (Europe)
- 033 - Carmen
- 034 - New York
- 034 - Antje (Europe)
- 035 - Maryland
- 035 - Asta (Europe)
- 038 - Saturn
- 040 - Indiana
- 040 - Maki (Europe)
- 041 - Ellen
- 041 - Stefanie (Europe)
- 042 - Virginia
- 042 - Anita (Europe)
- 043 - Michigan
- 043 - Bine (Europe)
- 044 - New Jersey
- 044 - Anni (Europe)
- 045 - Tomi (Europe)
- 046 - Louisiana
- 047 - Carolyn
- 047 - Daisy (Europe)
- 048 - Oregon
- 048 - Anka (Europe)
- 049 - Vanessa
- 049 - Bertina (Europe)
- 050 - Georgia
- 051 - Ingrid
- 052 - Pink Delaware
- 053 - Illinois
- 054 - Michigan
- 054 - Mina (Europe)
- 055 - Corinna
- 056 - Saku (Europe)
- 057 - Teressa
- 057 - Libra (Europe)
- 058 - Maki (Europe)
- 060 - Scarlet
- 061 - Diana
- 061 - Judith (Europe)
- 062 - Mariko (Europe)
- 063 - Colorado
- 063 - Manami (Europe)
- 064 - Tomoko (Europe)
- 065 - Ohio
- 065 - Bruni (Europe)
- 066 - Missouri
- 066 - Nobuko (Europe)
- 068 - Arkansas
- 068 - Agnes (Europe)
- 069 - North Carolina
- 069 - Akira (Europe)
- 072 - Delaware
- 072 - Angela (Europe)
- 073 - Pennsylvania
- 073 - Briga (Europe)
- 074 - Minnesota
- 075 - Decennie
- 076 - Rose
- 080 - Connecticut
- 080 - Izumi (Europe)
- 081 - Roxanna
- 082 - Maine
- 082 - Niki (Europe)
- 083 - Montana
- 083 - Alva (Europe)
- 084 - Barbados
- 085 - Jamaica
- 087 - Arizona
- 088 - Florida
- 088 - Corny (Europe)
- 089 - Alabama
- 089 - Bella (Europe)
- 090 - Centennial
- 090 - Mani (Europe)
- 092 - Kansas
- 092 - Desiree (Europe)
- 093 - Nevada
- 093 - Cyra (Europe)
- 095 - Ontario
- 096 - Hawaii
- 097 - Alaska
- 098 - Alberta
- 099 - Nassau
Copyright 1999 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Nashville,
Tennessee. Optimara Field Guide is a trademark of Holtkamp Greenhouses,
Inc. Optimara and the Optimara logo are trademarks of International Plant
Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.