Optimara Violets By Number
To use this list, either scroll through the entries or choose a number
from the menu below.
- 401
- Little Violet Sapphire
- 402 - Little Turquoise
- 403 - Little Lapis
- 404 - Little Blue Topaz
- 441 - Little Kunzite
- 442 - Little Pearl
- 444 - Little Tourmaline
- 445 - Little Rhodonite
- 463 - Little Ruby
- 480 - Mary
- 482 - Little Opal
- 483 - Little Crystal
- 484 - Little Diamond
- 485 - Little Amethyst
- 486 - Betty
- 487 - Sequoia
- 488 - Little Apatite
- 489 - Little Moonstone
- 490 - Little Fluorite
- 491 - Bobbie
Copyright 1999 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Nashville,
Tennessee. Optimara Field Guide is a trademark of Holtkamp Greenhouses,
Inc. Optimara and the Optimara logo are trademarks of International Plant
Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.