Pests, Pathogens and Cultural Problems
Below is the complete list of pests, pathogens and cultural problems
which may affect African Violets:
- Magnesium Deficiency
- Manganese Deficiency
- Manganese Overload
- Mealy Bugs, Bakers (Leaf
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Citrophilus (Leaf
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Citrus (Leaf
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Foliar (Leaf
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Grape (Leaf Mealy
- Mealy Bugs, Leaf
- Mealy Bugs, Long-Tailed (Leaf
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Pritchard (Soil
Mealy Bugs)
- Mealy Bugs, Root (Soil Mealy
- Mealy Bugs, Soil
- Mice
- Mildew, Powdery
- Mites, Broad
- Mites, Cyclamen
- Mites, Privet
- Mites, Red Spider
- Mites, Spider
- Mites, Tarsonemid (Cyclamen
- Mites, Tropical (Broad Mites)
- Mites, Two-Spotted Spider
- Mites, Yellow Tea (Broad Mites)
- Mold, Gray (Botrytis)
- Mold, Sooty
- Molybdenum Deficiency
- Mosaic Virus
- Mushroom Flies

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